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Introduction to the Kidd Family Website


While most of the site is devoted to the family in 1. Southern Ireland (see Introduction and Branches etc. to the left) additional material below is also included about 2. The Potato Famine 3. The Kidds of England 4.The Kidds of North Ireland 5. The Kidds of Scotland 6. The Coat of Arms 7. Kidds and their DNA


Newest Additions

Appendix 8 - Material on Joseph and Ann Poole of the (Askamore Branch)

- Contributed By Barry Kells December 2020 new

Appendix 12 - Extensive material on the (Corbally Branch) - Contributed by Bill Main new May 15 2020
Appendix Six - addition to p22 Jane Kidd m Thomas Chapman (Raheen Branch) contributed by Marese Fiat new October 2021
Appendix 10An extensive Biography of John Kidd (1798 - 1895) (Askamore Branch) telling of his
emigration from Ireland.his contributions to the development of Upper Canada, his family life and his legacy...told within the conrext of the History of Canada. Written by Shantel Ivits NewSept.25 2024


1. The Kidds of South Ireland

The material below is largely a compilation of the work of Dr. Franklin Kidd.
Through detailed referenced work he traced the ancestry of many of the branches of the
Kidd Family in Ireland and Scotland.

My father, Gordon Kidd, while researching the roots of
a Canadian branch of the Corbally side of the family in the 1970's, met Franklin Kidd at Leighlinbridge and became friends with him.

The following includes a copy of the unpublished book that Franklin Kidd wrote between 1971 and 1974 and which he kindly shared with dad.

VERSIONS May 9 2012

-The original document by Franklin can be accessed in each of the sections/branches. -Additions and appendices are keyed to it.

-Franklin's Charts have been converted to PDF by William Kidd (below) and are included with each of the Chapters involved.

-At the beginning of each chapter is a tree type chart to help in the understanding of the material.

-The whole document can be read in PDF by clicking on the following link:            ( Franklin Kidd (revised Aug 4 2012)

William Kidd of Albany NY USA has done a lot of work in converting the original document into these formats and the tree type charts. He has also created a very detailed map to show the locations mentioned in the text. See link on the "Branches" Page above.

The research of my father is in an appendix to the Chapter on the Corbally Kidds

Gordon and Margaret Kidd c 1968


It is suggested that you read that Chapter called "The Beginning" to find out about the
early years of the family and how Dr. Kidd established the branches of the family. After
that you should go to the latter part of each of the chapters where the branches have been
traced down to the early 1800's in most cases. At that point hopefully you will be able to
make a connection.


2. The Potato Famine

Information about the Potato Famine is found on The Limerick Page.(click to go there) Dr.Joseph Kidd,of the Limerick Branch, worked with the poor who were victims of the famine. Contemporary newspaper descriptions are included that tell of this awful event. Dr. Kidd later went on to become important medical doctor in London and the doctor of Prime Minister Disraeli.

3. The Kidds of England

The material that follows is about the Kidd Family (and various spellings of the name)
that came from the Settle region of Yorkshire in England in the 1500's. (see picture of the Settle area below)One branch of the family emigrated to south Ireland and one to Scotland. At a later time the Scottish Kidds also emigrated to Northern Ireland.

- For additional material on Early Kidds in England see


The Bax Papers

 - We have been interested in the Bax Papers for some time. Alfred Bax was an antiquarian and genealogist who lived in the late 1800’s. He had traced the Kidd family from Settle (York) through to his family in Surrey England. It was this material that Franklin Kidd referred to in his search for the beginnings of the Kidds who went to Ireland.

The relevant sections of Bernard Thistlethwaite’s book about the Bax family are enclosed. Thanks to Peter Kidd for his help with this material.

Part 1 Bax

Part 2 Bax Part 2

Part 3 Bax Part 3

Gravestone of Richard Driver Kidd Section C3 P 215 of the Bax Papers contibuted by

Esmé van der Westhuizen, Alberton South Africa (Aug 27 2013)

Gravestones of Richard Kidd and Family p 203 Section 2 contributed by Corinne Morris new


- We have been sent...  a mysterious English Tree...can you help to identify it?

4.The Battle of Scullabogue 1798   This massacre occured in Wexford during the 1798 rebellion and plays a significant role in the History of Wexford and in the lives if the Kidd Families

5. The Kidds of North Ireland

William Kidd (see above) met with Wendy Kidd in Wales in 2012 and again this summer 2013. Wendy is Franklin Kidd's niece by marriage and she generously provided him with a previously unpublished document by Franklin about the Kidds of North Ireland, Scotland and the Coat of Arms. There have been considerable additions to the Coat of Arms material.

The complete document can be seen in   an OCR version can be seen here. The references below refer to this document.

Introduction by W Kidd  p1

The start of Franklin's search  p 2 - 8

The Keady Kidd Chart p 8 on

Map references of the Keady Kidds New

Pictures of Grave Stones in Keady Graveyard

Courtesy Chris Hill

The Armagh Kidd Tree p 6 on

Map references of the Armagh Kidds new

The Armagh Family Tree new

The Move from Scotland to North Ireland  p 8 - 13

Map reference of Scottish Place names new

Map of Scottish Places new

The Kidds of Rathmore p 13 - 16

The Old Tassagh Stone p 16 - 19

Map references for The Old Tassagh Stone new

The Old Tassagh Stone Tree

North Ireland p 29 - 31

The spread southward p 31 - 35

The Ringolish Kidd Tree p 33

Map References for the Ringolish Family new

Ringolish Family tree new

The Londonderry Family p 35 - 38

The Alexander Hunt p 39 - 45

Map referenecs for Alexander Kidd new

Map of Alexander Kidd new

Extension of the Alexander Kidd Material by Ron Cronin New York State USA

The movement of The North Ireland Kidds to New Zealand contributed by Graham Kidd. This includes a history of The Kidds in North Ireland and the family in New Zealand presented at a 2009 Family Reunion and Grahams's talk at the time.


6. The Kidds of Scotland

see the OCR Version

the move from Scotland to Ireland  p 8 - 13

Kidds of Scotland p 20 - 31

7. The Coat of Arms

Coat of Arms Information and Motto 

Coat of Arms Information from Graham Kidd NZ

A commercial site for the coat of arms

8. The Kidds and Their DNA

DNA studies of the Kidd Family

www.familytreedna.com/public/Kidd .    or contact

Sandra Kidd, Y-DNA Study Group Co-Administrator, skkidd@bellsouth.net

Kidds of Virginia


My DNA explained



It is hoped that those who use this material will give credit where due to Dr. Franklin
Kidd. It is also hoped that where you are able to extend the information of one of the
chapters on a branch of the family that you would send that material to me so that it too
can be added to the site for the benefit of other family researchers. Any material sent to
me must be keyed to a specific page and to a particular name. Of course it is expected
that your information has been reliably researched.


The information in the section called "Help in Getting Started" will hopefully point you in the right direction as well. The movement of people in succeeding generations will complicate this search considerably.

Appendices to the Branches are found at the top of the pages or are indicated at the right side of the text in red and provide links to additional family information that has been supplied by researchers from around the world. These appendices represent valuable additions and extend the work of Franklin Kidd to make this site even more valuable. Your contributions to these appendices would really be appreciated.


Good Luck

Ryan Kidd   
